
HARA Newsletter

HARA publishes a Newsletter 4 times a year and delivers 470 copies to every household and business in Hatton.


Previous Editions of the HARA Newsletter


Contact the Editor of the HARA Newsletter

Send articles or any other material to Fred Coutts,

or deliver to Ladebank,1 Manse Place, Hatton AB42 0UQ

Advertise in HARA Newsletter

Why not try an advert in the Newsletter to promote your organisation or advertise your business.  430 copies of the newsletter are printed and distributed to every household and business in Hatton Village.  A copy also appears on crudencommunity.net.

. For £40 your advert will appear in 4 editions of the newsletter,

Please E-mail your advert to adverts@haraonline.org.uk or contact Cheques to be made out to HARA.

The donation should be delivered to:

Local community groups are not required to make a donation to advertise themselves and/or their events in the newsletter.

HARA reserves the right to publish only material it feels is appropriate for this newsletter.  It is the contributors responsibility to keep information up to date.