A new start for HARA

A big thank-you for everyone who came to the HARA AGM on 20 May 2024. Now we have a new team in place we will keep you updated as things progress. Our new team is:

Chair - Andy Wallis
Vice Chair - Donna Mcken
Treasurer - Lisa Watson
Secretary - Yvonne Beagrie
Committee Member - Donna Connelly (Toolshed)
Committee Member - Naomi Delday
Committee Member - Nomi Dunthorne 
Committee Member - Danie Steyn

Should you wish to contact us our email is hara.email@proton.me

Once we have the toolshed up and running we will let you know along with the contact number.
We would ask that you kindly bear with us all initially while we settle in and find our footings........more announcements will be made in due course.

21 May 2024